Saturday, August 20, 2011

It is time to Pay it Forward| Arlington, TN Photographer

    Have you ever heard of the "movement" called Roadside Families? Me neither. I stumbled upon this when I was reading a blog entry from Take off Your Mommy Goggles. Every entry I read I find myself thinking... "I wish I would have wrote that", "That is exactly what I was thinking" or I learned something new. After reading 3 blog entries in a row I decided to click on find photographers. Something you may not know about Photographers is that most of us are generous with our time, talent and inspiration. I found an amazing photographer named Lisa Thomas from Kiralisa Photography in Germantown, TN.
    By finding Lisa's page I found she is part of RoadsideFamilies. In a nutshell photographers are are choosing another photographer and their family to photograph as well as a deserving family that would not have the resources to hire a professional photographer and doing a 30 minute session that includes a portrait ready to hang. I am hoping that my family is chosen by Lisa for this amazing opportunity. I am also not waiting to Pay it Forward!  I am looking for  a deserving family to photograph. Do you know a family that deserves a portrait session with me? Please nominate someone by emailing me at or if you are a deserving family please email me! Winner will receive a portrait session, a printed portrait and 15 images on a disc.
    If you have ever wondered what session with me is like take a peek here. This is a sweet friend of mine Ashley and her family. What you get when you hire a professional is more that a image printed on a piece of portrait paper.... you get a memory! 
    I know this blog post has a ton of links and I hope you took a moment to click on them.

1 comment:

  1. awesome! glad you are not waiting to start to pay it forward!

